Scrap Metal: Certain Aspects you Need to Know About it and its Prices



A very good material that you can find anywhere which you can also turn into a profit are scrap metals. Scrap metals are generally a type of metal that you can basically find on your home, including copper, steel, iron, and brass, which are types of metals that you can recycle and sell for a good profit. If you are currently in need of some extra cash then selling scrap metal is one way to do it. This is actually due to the fact that you would be able to easily locate scrap metals all over your property.


Whether you look at your kitchen, bedroom, living room, garage, laundry room, attic, bathroom, or garden there will definitely be some scrap metals that you can find and recycle for a quick buck. There are still a lot of people in this current day and age that typically just toss all of their scrap metals into the garbage bin, which is basically a waste. It is definitely ideal for you to consider recycling scrap metals from instead of just discarding all of the materials that are made from metal, since you can actually earn a good amount of profit doing so instead of just throwing them out.


A very good example of a common metal that can be find in garbage bins due to the notion of home owners simply throwing them out is copper, which is generally considered as the most profitable type of scrap metal to be sold in this current day and age. Copper can generally be found in almost every type of electronics, gadgets, wiring, appliances and computers that we have on our property. Which is why if you are currently trying to sell any type of this home devices, you can actually earn more profit, due to the fact that copper metals can be another separate payout alongside the home device you are recycling. And that is one of the main reasons as to why it is best that you first extract the copper wires found on them before you turn them for recycling, and start stockpiling some copper wires on your property for now and sell them if ever you think you already have a good hefty amount of them already. Check out this website at for more facts about scrap metals.


The estimated pricing of copper per lb would usually go from $2.00 to $3.00 per pound, and it highly depends wherever you are trying to sell them on as well, since some buyers would be buying them higher than others. The other kind of metals that you would be able to find commonly on your home such as steel would typically range from $0.30 to $0.35 per pound, brass metals would typically be priced at $1.15 to $1.35 per pound, and lastly iron would typically be found in the range of $0.045 per pound.

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